We’re all about delivering quality across everything we do

25 February 2017

A really good garden is not just going to be a feast for the eyes; it will offer visitors the most incredible sensory experience for the nose as well. The added benefit of filling your garden with fragrant flowers is that you can then cut a few, bring them into the house, and freshen the […]

20 February 2017

  Having a pool in the backyard is the dream of many Australian families. Families have all kinds of wonderful memories of summer swims and having a little bit of paradise in the home. For families with young children, however, it’s vital to be very careful about safety and the pool. It’s not enough just […]

15 February 2017
flower pots

Windows can be a tricky part of the house to decorate. After all, their purpose is very functional; a window needs to let light and air into the home, and that limits what you can actually do to decorate the area surrounding it. However, with a bit of creativity, there’s a lot you can do […]

10 February 2017

Have you bought a new screen door? Or, are you looking for a new screen door to replace one that is getting tired? What do you do with the old one? While the first thought would be to simply throw the old one away, you may be surprised to find that there are a number […]

08 February 2017

In addition to the benefits of keeping bugs out of the home, screen doors can add an extra layer of security to a property. By providing another lock for burglars to break through, and, depending on what screen door you choose, providing shock resistance that can help prevent the invader from smashing windows and gaining […]

06 February 2017

It’s vitally important that children understand how to properly respond to an emergency, whether that be a medical emergency, an accident in the home, a serious crime or the suspicious behaviour of people around the home. Additionally, in Australia, there’s the ever-real and ever-present threat of bushfires to worry about. There are a number of […]