31 August 2016

Why Every Allergy Sufferer Should Invest In A Fly Screen

Home Security Screens

Allergies can be very problematic for a lot of people, and can be caused by a range of things. If you suffer from allergies, a great way you can reduce your symptoms is by installing a fly screen in your home, as they are an effective barrier against many irritants.  We discuss Why Every Allergy Sufferer Should Invest In A Fly Screen.

In saying this, if you suffer from allergies it’s important that you regularly clean your fly screens, as by catching irritants before they enter your home, they can also quickly start accumulating deposits right at your front door!

Here we discuss what irritants fly screens can protect you from, and give you tips on how to effectively clean your screen door. Say goodbye to your allergy symptoms today!

What causes allergies?

There are a many things that can cause allergic reactions. Some people will have issues with dust, others with pets, while others can’t eat certain foods. Some common, non-food related causes of allergies are:


Pollen is commonly produced by trees, grasses, weeds  and flowers, and is carried around by the wind or by insects.


Certain odours can cause an allergic reactions. Materials such as new flooring, paints, furniture and glues which give off a strong scent can affect some people.

Dust mites

Dust mites are small creatures that live on skin flakes and are shed by pets and humans. They love to thrive in warm and humid temperatures, and are often found in places like mattresses, pillows and carpets.


Waste from these small pests can be a trigger for many people with allergies. They are a common household pest that can easily be eliminated with the right equipment.


Mould is an especially annoying and detrimental growth that can be very problematic for allergy sufferers. Mould spores can be carried in the air and are often found in moist, warm areas.

These are just a handful of irritants that can lead to an asthma attack or allergy flare-up for many people; there are plenty of other things that can cause allergic reactions such as certain foods, the weather and smoke.

Dust and lung health

Even if you’re not an allergy sufferer, having allergens such as dust on the lungs can cause some serious health issues. Each and every day, we breathe in dusts that are common in the air. Our lungs have adapted as such, and have defence mechanisms to protect them from dusts that are inhaled. Your lungs will remove dust and other particles from the respiratory system, so you can remain healthy.

The nose acts as a relatively effective dust filter, and the majority of large particles of dust are collected and caught in the nose. Any particles that aren’t stopped in the nose move towards the lungs, but are usually caught by mucus lining the bronchi and bronchioles.

In saying this, although the lungs have this ability, excessive dust inhalation can cause serious health issues. Scar tissue can form in the lungs, causing them to become stiff and lose their elasticity. Particles can even be absorbed into the bloodstream, where it can then travel to various organs and cause damage.

If you live in a particularly arid and dusty environment it’s a great idea to install a fly screen, as this will reduce the amount of dust circulating in your home.

Stopping irritants from entering your home

Some irritants are easier to remove and control than others. Things such as dusting and vacuuming the home to remove dust is one simple way to avoid the accumulation of dust and other allergens. Another great way to stop some of these irritants from entering your home is by installing a fly screen.

Fly screens can be installed for most doors and windows around the home and can be custom made to fit various sized entries, making them an ideal way to keep out certain irritants. By stopping them from entering the home, you’re significantly less likely to be affected by them.

Stop flies

Flies are common carriers of bacteria such as E-coli, salmonella, Norovirus and Listeria, especially when they come in contact with foods and drinks. A closed fly screen stop the flies from entering the home, keeping you safe from harm.

Stop cockroaches

With approximately 4,000 species of cockroaches in the world, stopping these culprits from entering the home can be made a little easier with the use of fly screens. Not all of them carry diseases, but they commonly leave faeces deposits behind, which is common irritant for allergy sufferers. With fly screens in place, you can stop cockroaches from entering through your doors and windows.

Stop mosquitos

Mosquito bites can be problematic for anyone, even if you’re not particularly susceptible to bites or allergies. And for some, mosquito bites can flare up and cause serious allergic reactions. As well as stopping mosquitoes, you can also stop other irritants like sand flies and midges from entering the home by installing a fly screen.

Stop air borne irritants like pollen and dust

Common irritants like pollen and dust are easily carried through the air, and will float into your home through open doors and windows causing mayhem for any allergy sufferer. By installing a fly screen, you’re creating a physical barrier which will stop the majority of these irritants from entering your home while still being able to to enjoy a fresh breeze.

Fly screen care

It’s all well and good to have fly screen installed, but the job isn’t finished there. Once installed, it’s important to keep them clean so pollutants don’t build up and cause further illness for you and your family. Keeping them clean is super easy, and can be done in just a few simple steps.

If your fly screens can be easily removed:

  • Start by removing them from their fitting and prop them against an outdoor surface such as the side of the home, fence or other wall.
  • Rinse the screen gently with a garden hose. You just need to rinse it enough to remove any debris. Too much water pressure may damage the screening, stretch it, or pull it out of place.
  • Using a soft bristled brush, scrub the screen with warm, soapy water.
  • Do this to both sides of the screen.
  • Rinse the screen thoroughly with the hose.

Cleaning fixed fly screens:

  • Lay a towel on the floor and under window sills to try and soak up as much water as possible, preventing it from seeping onto areas you don’t wish to get wet.
  • From both sides, wipe and scrub the screens with warm, soapy water using a brush.
  • Rinse thoroughly and pat dry.
  • Alternatively, you can use an air compressor to blast off any dirt and debris so you don’t need to use water. These can often be hired, or found at your local hardware store. Just remember to work these from inside your home, so all build up is blasted out!

To avoid having too much dirt and debris build up between cleans, when vacuuming give the screens a quick once over. This is a great option for those often pressed for time.

Whether you suffer from allergies or not, having clean fly screens is essential for maintaining you and your families health. You can stop bugs, insects and pests from entering the home, resulting in less irritants and contaminants in your private space.

Contact Us

Contact us by calling 1300 939 700 or by using the simple form below, and one of our friendly consultants will get in touch.

Thank you for your enquiry, a member of our team will contact you soon.
If your enquiry relates to fly screens please note that minimum order quantities apply. These minimum order quantities do not apply if you are also ordering other SP Screens products. Minimum order quantity of 10 for Fly Screen Windows; Minimum order quantity of 2 for Fly Screen Doors. Also, minimum order quantity of 4 for Diamond Grille windows.