15 August 2021
Commercial Lease

Why does my franchise need a commercial lease? You’re scared of the risk? Committing to a commercial lease agreement for your franchise can be daunting. Let me try and help you understand why this is the key to your success. Why is a physical address so critical to my business? Google has changed to be […]

20 July 2021
SP Screens Franchise Business Coaching

All About SP Screens from the mouth of our CEO, Sarah Lamb. Who are SP Screens and what do they do to ensure business success?

03 June 2021

Nobody thinks of putting fly screens on their house in winter.   It’s chilly outside and the doors and windows are kept firmly shut to keep in the warmth. Why would you even think about replacing your old screen doors and windows now? The old saying “the early bird catches the worm” comes to mind when […]

03 May 2021

A Fire and Emergency Escape Screen is a security screen that can be easily opened from the inside to allow for a quick and keyless escape in an emergency. There are two styles of emergency escape screens – hinged or sliding. Your window style will determine whether you need a hinged or sliding escape screen. […]

14 May 2020

All components that contain stainless steel such as door handles, catches, door closers, and especially your door the locks will need regular maintenance to keep them in good working order.  Dust, salt and other airborne particles can enter the keyhole from outside and get into the locking system, which may cause issues with your lock […]

07 April 2020

At SP Screens, we’re passionate about making people feel safe, secure and comfortable in their own home. To help you navigate your apartment’s security, we’ve put together a guide on how best to secure your apartment doors and windows with security screens. Which apartments are most at risk of break ins? Units on the first […]